Tuesday, January 22, 2013

1 Month

I'm writing this a month and a half after the boys turned 1 month but I'm hoping I can remember some things well enough for a good post.  It was a haze of lots of breast feeding and very little sleep.

At three weeks we experienced what I originally thought was a growth spurt.  Boys were going 2.5 hours (down from 3-4 hours) between feedings and very fussy.  I noticed they seemed in pain after feeding, were arching their backs and spitting up cottage cheesy looking stuff.  When the 'growth spurt' didn't end after 3 days I took to the internet and sure enough their symptoms seemed right in line with infant acid reflux.  We promptly made an appointment with the pediatrician and got them on Zantac.  Within a week they were sleeping better, eating better and everyone was happier overall.

While at the pediatrician they did an informal weight and I believe the boys were both over 7 lbs so they did an excellent job eating between their 2 week check-up on 11/19 where they were less than 6 lbs and this check-up on 11/30.

My mom arrived on 12/1 to relieve my HH's mom and brought her new camera so I'm having a hard time picking which pictures to include but here are my faves from between 11/19 and 12/6 plus an inglorious one of me with the boys but want to track my weight loss pictorially.

I'm pretty sure this is Sam, taken 11/26/12, almost 3 weeks old.

Spencer in the left photo on 11/29.  In the right photo Spencer is on the left, Sam on the right, 11/30.

The grandmas with the babies on 11/30.  My HH playing with the boys first helicopter.

Twins cuddling on 12/1, Spencer is on the left, this is partially staged by my mom.  Boys chilling in their mini-Boppies on 12/2, Sam is on the right.

The boys on 12/3, one day shy of 4 weeks and 3 days shy of one month old, looking less like newborns already.  Spencer is in the left picture, Sam in the right picture.

Out for a walk as a family, my mom was so good at getting me and the boys out of the house.
Me with the boys on their 1 month birthday, all dressed up to see Santa, but my pregnancy brain was apparently still in effect because I had the date wrong by a week, luckily HH figured that out before we ventured out.

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