Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Arrival, 11/6/12

Samuel Clay, Born 11/6/12 1:05 PM, Weight 6 lbs 6 oz, Length 20"

Spencer Martin, Born 11/6/12 1:06 PM, Weight 6 lbs 8 oz, Length 20"

Well it all started on Friday 11/2.  I was making a trip to drop some clothes off and get myself a pedicure and when I went to put my clogs on (the only shoes that fit) I struggled to get them on (meaning my feet had done some sudden swelling).  Later while getting the pedicure I started seeing stars.  I drove home, drank water and laid down on my left side.  After relaxing for a few minutes I took my blood pressure and it was in the 150 / 90 range which is a lot higher than it had been in the past week.

We cancelled our trip to the beach for the weekend and I spent it laying down on the couch monitoring my BP closely and watching for any other symptoms of preeclampsia.  Hottie husband took amazing care of me and got me out of the house for a bit Saturday night so we could have dinner with friends at Cheddars where I treated myself to a Monte Cristo (ridiculous) and some Coldstone ice cream, yum!  Then on Sunday HH let me instruct him around the house for a few last minute items that have been bothering me and I actually got a good nights sleep on Sunday, first one in a long time.

On Monday at my doctors appointment my BP proved to still be high and had some urine in my blood so they sent me over to the hospital for some monitoring.  They took more urine and some blood and had me lie on my side to try and get my BP down.  They checked my cervix and it's stubborness that had gotten me this far by remaining nice and long was making vaginal delivery very risky since we didn't have time any more to wait for labor to start naturally.  Finally, around 8 PM, 7 hours since I had last eaten, we decided a c section for tomorrow would be best to prevent anything really bad from happeing like a placenta separating or me having a seizure.  So HH took my order for dinner, Carrot Cake pancakes, eggs, bacon and sausage from IHOP and some dessert and I started mentally preparing myself to be a mom in less than 24 hours.

After enjoying our scrumptious meal together I sent HH home to get some sleep and pack up all the things we would need for the next few days and get our puppy dog squared away.

They gave me ambien to try and help me sleep but it didn't work.  I was on a BP cuff that squeezed my arm every half hour real tight.  It was hard to move around and get comfy cause of all the monitors on me.  But mostly I was anxious to see the boys.  The nurses kept telling me how great the twins are being, easy to find and really healthy heart beats.

The nurse woke me up at 5 AM so I could shower and I spent all morning trying to keep myself occupied so  I wouldn't think too much about direly thirsty or hungry I am.  Had HH bring my computer so we Skyped with both our parents.  I got all the thank yous from the NJ baby shower done and ready to mail, still a few more to do for my WA friends and addresses I haven't tracked down but just about completely done before the babies came!  And got this blog post ready to release.

Around 10:30 AM they increased the fluids into my IV and cleaned up my stomach and told me they will probably be rolling me into the OR around 11:45 AM.  I was in the OR by 12:30 and the boys were born just after 1 PM.  Everything went perfectly.


  1. Congrats guys! You'll make awesome parents =)

  2. seriously brought tears to my eyes! I love their chubby cheeks, samuel's crazy hair, and spencer's little pout! You did it Studd!!

  3. thank you so much for all the details ash you are incredible!! this post will be bookmarked forever!! the boys look absolutely beautiful and big and hairy - how perfect!!! youre a superhero with a champion hottie husband!!!! wishing you a smooth and speedy recovery, cannot wait for all the fun mommy stuff we'll get to hear now that you are officially parents!!! xoxoo

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. A blog post with pictures!? You are beyond amazing! They are so sweet, I can't believe you had almost 13 lbs of baby inside you! Sooooooo much love to you, fantastic husband and thosevt boys xoxox

  6. love this. love you. love your new little fam. can't wait to talk to you. ILY

  7. pure joy from a girl who has brought us all joy all of her life!!! Aunt Sherry

  8. Congratulations great news, our love goes to you Ashley, Sam and the boys God bless you all. Love cuz Michael, Anna and the girls
