Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving - 2 Weeks Old

Happy Thanksgiving!  I have so much to be thankful for this year!  Our wonderful family and friends who truly set us up for success with all the necessary gear that made transitioning home with the twins quite seamless and continue to send their warm thoughts and check in on us no matter how far away they are.  Our great family who have been taking turns coming to stay with us and nurse us and the twins.    My hottie husband who has taken to fatherhood better than I could have ever expected, it honestly brings tears to my eyes thinking back of how great he has been over the past two weeks.  And of course the boys who turned two weeks old this past Tuesday, time is flying by already.  They are sleeping and eating well, super healthy and warm my heart more than I knew was possible.  Thanks Sabra for the amazing Thanksgiving onesies (Sam is on the left, Spencer on the right).


We were in the hospital from Tuesday to Friday 11/9.  The boys did great, didn't need any special attention except their birth weight dropped close to 10% so we had to supplement with formula starting on Thursday.  The nurses at the hospital were wonderful, they took the boys at night between feedings so we could get some sleep and helped me with nursing, I was tandem feeding on Thursday.  They wheeled in a fancy dinner on our last night which was really nice.

The boys one day old, Sam on the left Spencer on the right. 

HH's first night feeding (with Sam) on Thursday, I let him sleep through the first two nights since the nurses were so helpful and I was so hyped up on hormones I felt full of energy when they were wheeled in (and he was sleeping on an uncomfortable couch).

Coming home on Friday was a lot nuts.  Check out took a lot longer than expected, about halfway home the twins and I decided we were starving and it was a painfully long drive.  But we survived and quickly fell into a routine.  From start to start feedings is on average 3 hours.  We start by changing whoever is most awake, get them latched, then Sam wakes the 2nd one and gets their diaper changed, then get the 2nd one latched, then attempt to get them both some extra with a bottle of formula or breast milk and then I pump, if we are really good we can get it done in less than an hour, giving us 2 hours to sleep, but most of the time we are not that good.  After a few days we started switching off going solo for one of the night feedings to give one of us a bit more sleep.  On Sunday 11/11 we brought the boys in for their first pediatrician check-up and were happy to find out the boys weights were on the rise and that all looked great.  On Tuesday 11/13 we made it out to a restaurant and I got to chow down on sushi and sake and celebrate the babies being 1 week old.

What looks like a smile from Spencer on 11/10 during a 2 AM feeding.

Sam all sprawled out.

Spencer all sprawled out, they both have such chicken legs.

Full diaper pail after only 4 days home.

Napping post feeding on mommy, 11/13.  Spencer on left, Sam on right.

Daddy and Spencer, 11/15.

Sam on left, Spencer on right, in their co-sleeper.

On Thursday 11/15 HH's brother and wife arrived who were a huge help which was perfect timing because the hormone induced awakeness had all dissipated and being allowed to do nothing other than feed and sleep was so nice.  Then on Saturday HH's mother arrived to continue the help parade which was further great timing since HH was back to having PT at 5:30 AM Monday.

On Monday, 11/19 the boys had their 2 week checkup.  Sam was up to 5 lbs 11 oz and Spencer 5 lbs 13 oz, both 5 oz over their birth weight which is great considering the doctor says they are happy if they are at their birth weight.

We've bathed the boys only twice in the 12 days we've been home so we definitely need to get better at doing that.  They seem to enjoy bath time which makes it so rewarding and enjoyable.  Also the doctor recommended we start tummy time so will somehow have to find the time for that as well.

Personal update, a bit graphic so feel free to stop reading:

Personally I'm doing well.  They pumped me full of IV fluid for the operation and it took forever to drain.  I was still so puffy on Friday leaving the hospital that my clogs didn't fit and my normally extremely roomy slippers only partially covered my feet.  I had to wear slippers to dinner on 11/13, but on 11/17 I woke up looking and feeling much less puffy and my feet were close to normal looking again.

As long as I kept taking my meds on schedule the pain wasn't too bad.  I was happy to be off the morphine 24 hours after the operation since it made me feel really out of it.

Some nights the babies go 4 hours between start and start of feedings which are the good nights, others they have one spell where they only go 2.5 hours and I need to sleep all day to not feel crazy exhausted.

My boobs were feeling ravaged from pumping after every feeding so I have since switched to every other feeding which helped with the soreness and allows me to get 15 mins more sleep when I skip.  Also nipple butter is my new best friend.

I am thankful the hormones have calmed down.  I had two good hormone induced cries, one as a result of the first good look at my belly, the second was the day after we went out to dinner, HH foolishly assumed we had hit a new normal and asked if I wanted to go get dressed which would have been fine if I wasn't exhausted and ready to cry over just about anything, needless to say he quickly changed his tune to telling me I looked beautiful every day and steering clear of comments on what I was wearing.

I am happy to report my stomach is shrinking, I didn't think it was possible given how bad it looked a few days after surgery, it sagged so much it covered my incision.  I was happily surprised this morning to see extremely little sagging and the whole incision was visible, it's still not pretty but I'm so happy it's getting better and better, I've been wearing a compression belt which I think helps a ton.  My weight is going down nicely, I'm currently 30 lbs over my pre-pregnancy weight which means I've lost over 30 lbs since giving birth (much of which I know is the babies and their accouterments) and I am back to weighing less than my HH which is really refreshing.

I went out for a girls night two nights ago to get my hands on a margarita and see Breaking Dawn which made me feel more like myself but had the most intense pang the whole time from missing my little ones.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Arrival, 11/6/12

Samuel Clay, Born 11/6/12 1:05 PM, Weight 6 lbs 6 oz, Length 20"

Spencer Martin, Born 11/6/12 1:06 PM, Weight 6 lbs 8 oz, Length 20"

Well it all started on Friday 11/2.  I was making a trip to drop some clothes off and get myself a pedicure and when I went to put my clogs on (the only shoes that fit) I struggled to get them on (meaning my feet had done some sudden swelling).  Later while getting the pedicure I started seeing stars.  I drove home, drank water and laid down on my left side.  After relaxing for a few minutes I took my blood pressure and it was in the 150 / 90 range which is a lot higher than it had been in the past week.

We cancelled our trip to the beach for the weekend and I spent it laying down on the couch monitoring my BP closely and watching for any other symptoms of preeclampsia.  Hottie husband took amazing care of me and got me out of the house for a bit Saturday night so we could have dinner with friends at Cheddars where I treated myself to a Monte Cristo (ridiculous) and some Coldstone ice cream, yum!  Then on Sunday HH let me instruct him around the house for a few last minute items that have been bothering me and I actually got a good nights sleep on Sunday, first one in a long time.

On Monday at my doctors appointment my BP proved to still be high and had some urine in my blood so they sent me over to the hospital for some monitoring.  They took more urine and some blood and had me lie on my side to try and get my BP down.  They checked my cervix and it's stubborness that had gotten me this far by remaining nice and long was making vaginal delivery very risky since we didn't have time any more to wait for labor to start naturally.  Finally, around 8 PM, 7 hours since I had last eaten, we decided a c section for tomorrow would be best to prevent anything really bad from happeing like a placenta separating or me having a seizure.  So HH took my order for dinner, Carrot Cake pancakes, eggs, bacon and sausage from IHOP and some dessert and I started mentally preparing myself to be a mom in less than 24 hours.

After enjoying our scrumptious meal together I sent HH home to get some sleep and pack up all the things we would need for the next few days and get our puppy dog squared away.

They gave me ambien to try and help me sleep but it didn't work.  I was on a BP cuff that squeezed my arm every half hour real tight.  It was hard to move around and get comfy cause of all the monitors on me.  But mostly I was anxious to see the boys.  The nurses kept telling me how great the twins are being, easy to find and really healthy heart beats.

The nurse woke me up at 5 AM so I could shower and I spent all morning trying to keep myself occupied so  I wouldn't think too much about direly thirsty or hungry I am.  Had HH bring my computer so we Skyped with both our parents.  I got all the thank yous from the NJ baby shower done and ready to mail, still a few more to do for my WA friends and addresses I haven't tracked down but just about completely done before the babies came!  And got this blog post ready to release.

Around 10:30 AM they increased the fluids into my IV and cleaned up my stomach and told me they will probably be rolling me into the OR around 11:45 AM.  I was in the OR by 12:30 and the boys were born just after 1 PM.  Everything went perfectly.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Home Stretch

On Wednesday I will be at 36 weeks, and we are officially past the average point of birth for twins which is 35.3 weeks.

We are getting the works today. Got an ultrasound this afternoon and Baby A is measuring at 5 lbs 7 oz and Baby B at 6 lbs even! Both are head down and face down, ready to go. Doctor estimates that I am 1/2 a cm dilated, could stay that way for weeks but I guess things are progressing.

The congestion and snoring has gotten worse so my biggest complaint is I'm having trouble getting a good nights sleep, luckily a mid day nap generally helps.

I'm getting huge, I'm slightly embarrassed to say I've gained 66 lbs, desperately hoping these boys are good eaters and suck it all out of me! I can't say that I'm surprised though, I've pretty much been eating whatever I want (McDs, pumpkin spice Krispy Kremes, red velvet ice cream) alongside the healthy stuff of course.

Currently getting a Non Stress Test to make sure the babies are as happy as they seem in the ultrasound. Not the prettiest picture but it's the latest. Just got done with the test and boys are great.

Got most of the house unpacked, still some stuff left in the nursery but got the hubby locked in for help tonight to hopefully get that all done.

Can't believe all the stuff I'm seeing on TV and from my family about Irene, hope everyone is staying safe!

Hoping to go to the beach this weekend (less than 3 hours away from our hospital) to enjoy some R&R before these boys come. Interviewing a few folks this week to come in one or two nights a week to watch the boys and let me get some sleep.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

30 Weeks Pregnant!

Sorry I haven't updated in 10 weeks, things have been a bit crazy.  Today I am 30 weeks, that's 7.5 months.  At my doctors appointment last week she said I'm measuring 38 weeks, so basically full term for a singleton.  So I'm pretty large :-)

As are the babies, at my last ultrasound almost 4 weeks ago they were measuring almost 2.5 lbs each, which was almost 0.5 lbs more than the average size for their gestational age, so I'm a super oven.  4 weeks ago my cervix was still looking good and the babies look great.  Hottie husband got to see his first "money shots" of the babies boy parts and all the rest of their anatomy, everything measures well, we even got to see hair on both of their heads (technology is amazing).  Baby B was a bit uncooperative, his chin resting on his chest the whole time, but they got one with his mouth wide open which I thought was pretty cool.

We've been quite busy.  Two weekends ago we hosted my brother and his girlfriend and had a great time sightseeing, visiting Vancouver and taking them wine tasting.  Below is my bro and his girlfriend taking in the sunset in Mukilteo.

Weekend before that, Labor Day, we were at Virginia Tech for the kick-off game.  I managed to stay out until 2 AM both Saturday and Sunday night where we closed down the bars :-).  We got to see lots of friends (Lot 13 tailgate lives on strong as seen in the pic below) and the football team won in overtime so overall an extremely successful weekend.  HH even got the diamond treatment on our way home, got picked up from our plane and driven to our next plane in a Porsche Cayenne (see pic), and got first class seats for the ATL-SEA segment

The weekend before that we were in NJ for my 5 year HS reunion.  My parents also threw me an amazing surprise baby shower.  They had some great helpers and I am still overwhelmed by how many people were there and how generous they all were.  Since everyone shipped the presents to WA my mom had folks act out their presents, it was so fun!  Below is me and my sis on the patio of the Oyster Point, where the shower was.

The only bad news is my blood pressure has started going up as of last Monday.  I have another appointment on Monday and we will discuss potentially starting my maternity leave as early as next week.  So I've been working all week to get things squared away just in case.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

20 Week Joy Ride

What an exciting few weeks it's been!  I spent the latter half of 17 weeks and the beginning half of 18 weeks on the beach of the Outerbanks, NC.  It was such an amazing and relaxing vacation.  I got plenty caught up on my Vitamin D, quality time with the family, lots of reading, eating and lounging.  We won a sand castle building contest (our first was eaten by the tide so it was quite a feat) and played some kick butt Catchphrase, Guesstures and poker games.  I wish my hottie husband could have been there and my grandparents but we thought about all of them constantly.

View from our house and being serenaded by my sister's boyfriend at the pool (who I am so glad I got to spend time with, treats her like a princess as far as I can tell which is a minimum for being with us :-), swollen feet, more on that later.

Winning sand sculpture (starfish and a Corolla Light bottle, a play on on Corona Light) and me with our first place award.

 The week back HH flew me down to Arizona for 4th of July because the Army gave him the day off.  I left Tuesday evening after work and flew home way too early Thursday and went straight to work.  It was so worth it though, we had an amazing time together.  He got us a wonderful room at the Phoenician and spoiled me rotten the whole time.  Before that I met my new OB and I am so pleased, huge weight off my shoulders.

Later the same week I went in for my anatomy scan and everything is perfect!  The boys are measuring the same size and two days more or less, I can't remember which, than their gestational age which is most likely just having the due date wrong.  I got to see their arms, hands, legs, feet, brain ventricles, face, 4 parts of the heart (they pushed a button and I could see the blood flowing through it), lungs, diapham, kidneys, etc.  It was unreal, seeing their little feet brought tears to my eyes.  And apparently my cervix is beautifully long which is a good thing :-)
Baby A was tough to get a good pic of cause Baby B's butt was all up in his face.

Baby B is breached and I could see them having one of their first fights in the womb, Baby B jabbing his arms at Baby A's legs.

Went to another EMOMs meeting on Monday, lots of the twin moms there I found out made it to 38 weeks which gave me hope that I can get that far too, which would put me around November 14th.  My new OB said she hasn't seen a twin mom be able to work past 34 weeks so I have work planning on me being out staring mid-October for 6 months.  Work has been great lately, wonderful actually.  I've been getting lots of kudos for a job well done which is rare, normally I only get this kind of appreciation when somethings gone wrong that I have to fix.  I got one of the best compliments ever this week from a co-worker when I started going over my maternity leave plans, it was unexpected and heartfelt and came from someone I really respect so it's had me on Cloud 9 for a few days now, a great carry over from the high of seeing my husband last week.

I'm still very tired, less so than the first trimester, but all I want to do when I get home from work is put my feet up and sleep.  My feet are incredibly swollen, all my shoes are tight and by the end of the day my feet are so sore, I don't know how pregnant people wear heels!  They say hydration and keeping my feet up helps so I'm working it like a prescription, and foot rubs of course which the husband will be put to work on once he is finally home starting on Wednesday!!!!  I'm working hard at eating, and the babies are growing well cause of it.  All in all I feel great and still absolutely loving being pregnant and growing these tiny boys that are now over 10.5 oz each and 10" long!

20 weeks pregnant
+ 20 lbs from starting weight
Still exhausted, lots of tossing and turning at night, having trouble getting comfortable
I have discovered Three Twins Lemon Cookie ice cream, SO GOOD (should be able to find it in Whole Foods types stores)
Next OB appointment 7/31 and ultrasound 8/3
Definitely space theme for the nursery, my sister has been a huge help with ideas, got the room almost completely cleaned out
Still thinking about wood floors in the house and repainting all the downstairs walls...
Reading Commencement for book club and the True Blood books for fun (so good, thanks Domi)
Planning a welcome home party for my hotty husband!!!
Can still bend over to put on my shoes but not much past that.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

It's Boys - 17 Weeks

One more week and I'm halfway!  I can't believe it...  Normal pregnancies last 40 weeks, that's 10 months, but average gestational of twins is 36 weeks so I don't want to get my hopes up of lasting much longer than that, so I'm calling it halfway next week :-)

I know in my last post I said my next doctor's appointment was supposed to be tomorrow but every time I have a doctor's appointment I have a separate appointment scheduled later with the maternal fetal medicine department for sooner than my OBGYN appointment so they can do an ultrasound check and I can consult with the high risk doctor.  The whole seeing two doctors is already old so I'm in the market for a new OB, oh joy!

I had an ultrasound so they could take a quick peak at the kids and measure my cervix (which is a normal length, good news for staving away bed rest) and the tech told me he could tell me the sex if I wanted to know.  I'm a control freak and an information whore so for me the decision was easy for me, HH not so much, but his heart wasn't set on not knowing so agreed (from over 1,500 miles away).  And so the tech zoomed in between their legs and I could see each had their own little penis and balls.  HH guessed right again, just like he predicted that I was pregnant, he has way more intuition than I do it seems.  We are so excited but now need a new name, which for now I'm not stressing over, I'm thinking one will come to me...  Baby A was being uncooperative but that allowed for a cool pic of his spine.  Baby B was more cooperative in giving us the profile (he looks less like an alien when moving around):

I've been going to prenatal yoga classes every Sunday which have been wonderful.  Last week I went to multiples class put on by a local hospital, it was me and 5 other couples.  We went around the room and had to say the best and worst moment so far in pregnancy.  Best was easy, seeing them on the ultrasound screen for the first time.  Worst was when HH left for military training, being overcome with hormones it took way too much will power to hold back the tears.  But I learned a bunch, including the placenta is an organ, I grew two organs and two babies!  The next night I went to a Eastside Moms of Multiples (EMOMs) meeting which was WAY better, I learned so much and feel so much more at ease about the whole thing, again the control and information whore thing.

I've been working hard at getting my protein, supposed to target 160g a day!  I'm now a protein hunter, my treasures so far are Dave's Killer Bread, Premier protein bars, Pure Protein Whey powder (vanilla - great in fruit smoothies) and greek yogurt.

I feel the babies every once in a while (a few times a week), not as often as I would like.  I feel great other than still being tired.  People are saying I look tired, hopefully nothing a week in the Outerbanks, NC with my family can't cure (I depart Saturday, so ridiculously excited, just need to pack)!  People are also pointing out I'm pregnant, I must be getting to that point where it's either pregnancy or a tumor, see token bump pictures below, relaxed on the left and sucked in w/good posture on the right:

My hormones are still a little crazy.  We read Fifty Shades of Grey this month for book club, and let's just say the sexy story line and my crazy hormones coupled with my HH be over 1,500 miles away has been quite torturous.  But book club discussion was amazing, and Domi, who is scheduled to deliver in 1.5 weeks, loaned me her fabulous jeans (think Sevens) that she sewed elastic into, I so hope they fit!  She also loaned her doppler to hear the heart beat which I'm gonna bring to NC in hopes I can get it to work for the family (big thanks to Laura for letting me play with it first).

17 weeks pregnant
+ 13 lbs from starting weight
Back to being exhausted
Cravings have lessened, may be because I'm constantly eating to get the protein!
Next appointment 6/21, anatomy tentatively scheduled for 7/6 but may move if I switch docs (scheduled to visit first candidate (thanks Domi) 7/2)
Starting to think about the baby room, thinking space theme for now...
Also thinking about wood floors in the house and repainting all the downstairs walls...
Hired someone to mow my lawn
Reading Fifty Shades Darker (thanks Steph for bringing the third for me to NC)

Friday, June 8, 2012

15 Weeks Pregnant and 1.5 Weeks Sans Husband

It has been a crazy two weeks.  I can't express how incredibly grateful HH and I are for the love and support we have received.  We often miss being close to so many of our friends and family but thank goodness for technology which has the ability to make you all feel so near.

We had an amazing Memorial Day weekend.  Our friend Derrick had us and a few other friends up to his family's beautiful lake house.  I got a much needed dose of Vitamin D, had fun on their boat, ate some really great food and stoked the fire with some amazing company  We left early Sunday so that HH could get packed and clear all his stuff out of the nursery before departing on Monday for some Army training.

Since he left I've been watching a lot of Grey's Anatomy and Army Wives, which gives me a good excuse to cry when I need to (luckily very infrequently), and cuddle with the Lucas who is the best cuddler after HH.

But mostly I've been cleaning, so far nesting has taken the form of getting the rest of the house in shape, not so much the nursery yet other than perusing Amazon and starting a registry.  And having fun and prenatal yoga :-)  And buying a minivan, a Toyota Sienna XLE (which HH promised we could trade-in in 3 years so I can get my dream SUV).

I can feel the babies (wrote baby originally, I guess it's still sinking in that it's twins) move.  I can't tell what they're doing, and it's only when I'm pretty still, but I can tell their having a grand ole time and it's awesome like a cool party that I'm hosting.   Before I got to see them at 12 weeks it was sometimes hard to believe that I wasn't just fat and sober.  Now some days I actually look pregnant, especially when I've got bad posture, and after nachos and two virgin mango margaritas, like today (picture on left).
Other days, like yesterday (picture on right), I still look just a bit fat, especially with my core engaged (aka belly sucked in and back straight) and when it's been over 2 hours since I ate, I can't believe the difference myself.

Yesterday was the first time in a long time I had energy after work!  I actually mowed AND weed wacked the yard.  The food I had aversions to in the first trimester are steadily dropping off the list, I can eat veggies again.  My back was killing me last week but since yoga on Sunday it's been much better.

The babies are currently 4" long, like 2 apples floating around.  In 5 weeks they will each be 10" long!  They are going to more than double in size by July 11th, HH isn't even going to recognize me when he returns mid-July.

15 weeks pregnant
+ 10 lbs from starting weight
Two days so far not being exhausted
Still loving refried beans (burritos or anything taco bell), green olives, bagels with cream cheese and fruit.
Only bad smells make me want to puke, stupid people with gross lunches!
Bought a minivan...
Next appointment (potentially learning sexes) 6/21!

It's Twins!

That's right, on March 26th I found out I was pregnant!  My primary doctors kept leaving the practice I was with, so finally my hottie husband (HH for the purposes of this blog) demanded I go to his doctor, Dr. B.  I took an at home pregnancy test, gave my hubby a kiss saying it was positive, went to Dr. B's office for my initial appointment with her, peed in a cup, and she proceeded to tell me she was done with me and to go see my OBGYN and endocrinologist (I have Hashimoto's disease which requires me to take daily supplements to counteract my partially functional thyroid gland).

HH and I decided to try and go the first trimester without telling anyone.  Two days later I was Skyping with my mom and she point blank asked if I was pregnant, I couldn't believe it, I couldn't lie, and so it began, her and my sister proceeded to scream, and I knew our plans to keep it a secret were doomed.  My local friends were quick to figure it out, as not having a glass of wine in my hand only meant one thing.  Once we made it to 8 weeks we started telling our close friends and family, asking them to keep it quiet until I made it through the first trimester.

For the past 8 weeks all I've wanted to do is eat and sleep.  I have minimal nausea, I learned quickly that if I ate every 2 hours it would stave that away, so I'm like squirrel with food stored all over the place, my car, the nightstand, work, backpack, husband's car.  I had my first case of heart burn, I was glad to learn it was not a heart attack...

I was supposed to have my first appointment with my OBGYN early May, but we ended up taking a last minute trip to Hawaii, so had to re-schedule and first available was 5/21.  HH really wanted to do the genetic screening and since 5/21 was cutting it close to the end of the time frame they made me an appointment for 5/18.  So on 5/18 I left work early and headed to my screening (bloodwork and an ultrasound to check the empty space at the back of the baby's neck which indicates risk of certain conditions).  The nurse was getting the ultrasound ready, lubing up my belly and what not, and was surprised to learn it was my first and asked if my husband was on his way.  I told him he was 15 mins away so we didn't need to wait, he started the ultrasound, I got super excited that I was going to see my baby, the nurse asked me again if I wanted to wait, and I told him if it wouldn't be too much trouble that would be great.

HH finally arrives, the nurse lubes me up some more, asks if twins run in my family, and proceeds to show us two little aliens swimming side by side in my belly.  HH and I exclaimed a ton of profanities and I started laughing at the ridiculousness of the news we just heard.  HH says if you would have asked him if there was any chance of twins he would have given it a 2%, which is very close to the statistical 1.7% chance of naturally having twins, 1.7%!  I instantly felt better about how huge I was and became totally enamored with the little aliens.  After the appointment I proceeded to Old Navy to stock up on maternity clothes, big thanks to Beth for getting me started with some hand me downs.

Esses (our fave baby names are Emily and Sam, so Emily-Sam-Sam-Emily, now plural due to the twins, I can tribute the name to my mom) are healthy as can be as far as they can tell.  The have a healthy amount of space in the back of their neck, normal size and heart beats, and all body parts appear normal.  They are most likely fraternal twins, each has their own placenta/sack which is the least risky type of twins.  But, twins are still more risky than just one so they have promised to watch me often and closely, which means lots of ultrasounds where I get to see the babies :-)  HH is betting two boys, my bet is a boy and a girl.  Either way, looks like they are both going to have oral fixations just like his mother (that's a hand right by the mouth, the nurse thought one of them may have been sucking his thumb).

Baby A

Baby B

Tomorrow, 5/23, marks the start my 13th week of pregnancy, so I'm making it Facebook official and all that  jazz, I am freaking pregnant with twins, holy crap.

Every other thought in my mind is holy crap it's twins.  It's got us reconsidering EVERYTHING.  Do we need to get a minivan (yuck) instead of an SUV?  Would we survive HH being gone 18 months learning to fly helicopters?  Do we need to do two nurseries?  Is the due date 11/28 still accurate (no, we are looking at early to mid-November if my cervix is able to hold out that long)?  Will I end up in bed rest (my OBGYN says it's likely with twins even though all my vitals are currently normal)?  Is there room in my body for two babies?  How big am I going to get?  How will we afford this?  When should I go back to work after the babies are born?  What type of childcare do we get, can we even afford any kind with twins?

Despite the unanswered questions, the sleepiness and not being able to unwind with a glass of wine, I am LOVING being pregnant.  I am constantly rubbing my belly, often cause I have gas, but mostly because I love the thought of growing something(s) inside me.  I have less patience and I am more demanding with my husband, but things at work feel less stressful, it's like growing babies puts things in perspective in a good way.

13 weeks pregnant
+ 7 lbs from starting weight
Still exhausted
Loving refried beans (burritos or anything taco bell), green olives, bagels with cream cheese and fruit.
Puking at the sight of ribs, but no morning sickness for over a week now.
Thinking about leasing a minivan...
Next appointment (potentially learning sexes) 6/21!